Why you should care when you are sending the notifications?

What I observe on vast of the majority of the news websites and not only them, is that they are sending all kind of notifications (Apps, Twitter, Emails etc.) when possible, 10 AM, 2 PM, 11 PM, 1 AM.

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How to send emails that are not marked as SPAM?

Recently I helped one company to prevent common emails for registrations and etc. to be marked as SPAM automatically from users mailboxes.

When you are using third-party service like MailChimp and with your own domain to send your emails you have to do several steps to prove all mailboxes that you are you and that you are not some spammer.

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Apache – Rewrite all URIs to a single file

This week I had to help a friend with his new small ReacJS website running on Apache.

His problem was that URIs which does not exist the Apache was returning as 404 pages, he needed a common rule used by a lot of PHP frameworks, Rewrite all URIs which are not Files or Directories to /index.html

Example URL www.example.com/myprofile to actually load www.example.com/index.html and let the ReactJS route do his work and show what it needs.

Continue reading “Apache – Rewrite all URIs to a single file”